Posts in Diet & Nutrition
I Remember Chocolate Mousse

Clinical research has shown that loss of gut microbiotic diversity is one of the leading causes of sleep disorders, psychological conditions, autoimmune disorders, heart problems, breathing disorders and even infertility. This is because the metabolites that our gut microbiotica release can affect organs and tissues at a distance from the gut in the body. Your diet is a core driving influence in the diversity of your gut microbiome.

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Revealing the Layers of Illness

If you look at the human body you will notice an interesting repeating theme … layers. Every one of our organs, glands, bones, nerves, pathways and even memories are in layers. So when symptoms begin we don’t always realize the truth … that every illness emerges from layers of unresolved issues that have burdened our body to the point of literally screaming. The fact is that we have conditions and imbalances that have gone on for days, weeks, months and even years silently with no symptoms until the proverbial straw breaks the proverbial camel’s back. And all of these issues have to do with the layers that our body uses in both structure and function.

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Can Food Treat Your Illness?

I think we all agree that you can't underestimate the impact food and your daily diet have on your health.  But the most common concept patients have when they walk in my door is that simply changing their diet will cure their illness.  That's asking a lot given that it's so difficult to get food that is free of chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones, environmental toxins and even genetically modified material.  Then when you do, how long can you wait for change to take place?  When you use food as therapy, which is a great thing, it can take weeks and months for the body to assimilate, create essential factors such as enzymes, new cells, hormones, and then initiate a cascade effect that ends in alleviating your symptoms.

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Are We Facing A Sterile Future?

When we were kids, some of my fondest memories were rolling down a grassy hill, slinging mudballs at my sister and eating snow (well, not the yellow or dirty snow!).  Now everything is antibacterial, kids live in sterile capsules and we are constantly washing everything in sight. 

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