A Plan For Improvement

Ladies, it is time for us to take control of our breast health.

We can no longer allow women to simply sit by and wait for a scary and overwhelming diagnosis after a mammogram or biopsy.

We have to start now to change the future of our breasts and our bodies.

Where to begin…

We have created a program that begins with knowledge … the knowledge of what healthy breasts do, what they should look like and how they interact with all systems of our body.

Start with our Beginner’s Guide to Breast Tissue. Here you will be able to understand how the breast tissue truly is a living, interactive area of our body, not just an ornament or a milking station.

Now take our Breast Health Assessment which will help you establish your breast health risks.

The next step is to read all about how to assess the current state of your breast health. Looking at your history, the challenges you have faced with your overall health, your lifestyle and factors that influence your breast health that you might not have realized.

Now that you know more about the structure, anatomy and function of the breasts, do a Breast Self-Examination. This will help you truly feel everything for yourself. Consider making a diagram of what areas feel tender, what areas feel lumpy or hard. Can you feel any cysts? Is there any discharge from the nipples?

Now you are ready to have a Regulation Thermography scan at our clinic. Read the section to the right to see how important it is to pay attention to the body’s capacity to regulate itself. Bring with you to this appointment the results of your Breast Self-Examination and your Breast Health Assessment. This will help to provide us even more information in reviewing your Thermography scan results.

The Basics of Breast Health

Breasts are an amazing aspect of the human body.  They are at once a source of life, a definition of self, a social taboo and a source of fear.  Women live with the fear that their breast tissue may harbor hidden disease and have no real way of knowing that their breast tissue is healthy.  We are often completely oblivious to how healthy our breast tissue actually is until the day that a problem appears on a mammogram … until the day that a biopsy says we have cancer.

Given all that the breast tissue is, one thing it is not, is understood.  In fact, most textbooks do not even discuss the function of a healthy breast.  That is mostly because there is so little that the medical community understands about the breasts.  Many doctors assume that the breasts have no function until the birth of a baby at which point the breasts become functional for a period of time, after which they return to their natural "dormant" state.  There is virtually no other part of the body that only has function for so limited a period of time. 

Or does it?  

Actually there is substantial evidence to show that the breasts are storage areas, they interact with our digestive immunity, they react to emotional states and they control our hormones.  But because of the general lack of knowing, the breasts are ignored or even feared when it comes to health.  It is vitally important for us to explore the mysteries of breast tissue and develop an understanding of their structure, physiology and life process so that we can learn how to prevent breast cancer and breast disease conditions.  

Many problems that affect the breast tissue are silent, without symptoms.  Even malignancy is generally silent.  So the best way, the only way, to prevent breast cancer is to identify the ways in which your breast tissue needs to improve.

Initial Thermography Breast Scan

Initial Thermography Breast Scan of a patient

The Science of European Regulation Thermography Testing to Detect Breast Concerns

What if you found a way to evaluate your breast tissue on a regular basis that would show you any issue up to a year ahead of a mammogram? This would give you time to work on the health of your breasts! Welcome to European Regulation Thermography Testing.

This one hour test looks at 50 key meridian points in the body, this scan provides a comprehensive seven page report of your immune system, your organs, glands, lymphatic flow, circulation, toxic burden and much more. Everything that affects the health of your breasts is addressed in this test.

We have used this technology for more than 20 years to help guide women to improve the health of their breasts and prevent breast cancer. In working with breast tissue through all phases of life we have learned about the development of many common conditions such as swelling, cysts, mastitis, pain and even cancer. There are a few very typical commonalities in breast tissue that is in distress and even in cases of breast cancer.

Don’t wait to schedule your appointment. This is the best way to understand what is behind your breast health concerns so that you can do something to change them!

Do you know that wearing a tight, ill-fitting bra is the main reason for breast lumps, painful breasts and lymphatic congestion.