Posts in Living a Healthy Life
Is Cannabis Your Best Medicine?

I am asked daily if marijuana is a positive thing.  This isn't an easy answer because the action of cannabis is unique to the individual.  Let me start by helping you to understand the physiological placement of cannabis as a chemical in the body.  In this way you will see how much of a positive or negative effect it may have for your specific needs. 

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Can Food Treat Your Illness?

I think we all agree that you can't underestimate the impact food and your daily diet have on your health.  But the most common concept patients have when they walk in my door is that simply changing their diet will cure their illness.  That's asking a lot given that it's so difficult to get food that is free of chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones, environmental toxins and even genetically modified material.  Then when you do, how long can you wait for change to take place?  When you use food as therapy, which is a great thing, it can take weeks and months for the body to assimilate, create essential factors such as enzymes, new cells, hormones, and then initiate a cascade effect that ends in alleviating your symptoms.

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Are You in the Driver's Seat?

Do you know what your blood pressure is?  Do you know if you are borderline anemic?  Did your last blood test include A1C?  How many different physicians do you see in a year?  The reason I'm asking these questions is because most people are letting their doctor do all the driving while they sit back and just watch the scenery go by.  You can't be truly healthy without being invested in the status of your health.  And the best way to do this is by doing your own evaluation of your health beginning with your test results. 

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Hair or Bare?

Hair is an important adornment not just in our own culture, but in many cultures around the world.  Even the removal of hair creates an adornment by baring the skin beneath.  Women shave their legs, men shave their faces, underarms, heads, chests and even all the hair everywhere for some.  But what we aren't considering is what that means for our health.

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