Is Cannabis Your Best Medicine?

I am asked daily if marijuana is a positive thing.  This isn't an easy answer because the action of cannabis is unique to the individual.  Let me start by helping you to understand the physiological placement of cannabis as a chemical in the body.  In this way you will see how much of a positive or negative effect it may have for your specific needs. 

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Talking to Your Thyroid

Nature may have given us a built-in method for regulating thyroid hormone release.... screaming. A surprising side effect of speaking may be the effect it has on the health of your thyroid. For years, I have treated thyroid problems with lymphatic drainage of the throat area and massage to relax the tissue around the thyroid. I have recommended loose collars, removal of neckties and staying away from tight turtlenecks.

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Karen Clickner
Can Food Treat Your Illness?

I think we all agree that you can't underestimate the impact food and your daily diet have on your health.  But the most common concept patients have when they walk in my door is that simply changing their diet will cure their illness.  That's asking a lot given that it's so difficult to get food that is free of chemicals, pesticides, growth hormones, environmental toxins and even genetically modified material.  Then when you do, how long can you wait for change to take place?  When you use food as therapy, which is a great thing, it can take weeks and months for the body to assimilate, create essential factors such as enzymes, new cells, hormones, and then initiate a cascade effect that ends in alleviating your symptoms.

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Eating The RDA Way

How many people believe that the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins and minerals is the best guide to human health?  Please raise your hand ... Many of the people who walk through my door pride themselves on reading ingredient labels, taking the recommended amount of Calcium in their daily supplements and don't understand why they don't feel well. 

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Karen Clickner
Your Hair Can Tell You More Than You Think

Do you realize how much information is in your hair?  Hair is not just an outgrowth of the skin, it is an incredible storage facility for the body's minerals reserves.  Hair loss, thinning hair and loss of hair color are all indications of changes in this essential mineral storage.  According to Senate Doc ument No. 264 "99% of American people are deficient in minerals" and a severe deficiency in any one of these can result in disease and specifically gland disorders (think of your thyroid!). 

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Karen Clickner
Solving the Lyme Dilemma

I've been recently thinking quite a lot about Lyme Disease.  I think about it because I know there are so many people out there that are suffering with untreated and what they believe is untreatable Lyme.  I'm here to tell you that it is not as difficult to treat as you might think.  Why?  Because I understand that Lyme Disease is completely treatable when you accept that it is a condition, like many illnesses, that is unique to each person who is infected.

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Karen Clickner
The Disadvantage of Insurance

Lots of us wish that insurance would cover natural options such as the therapies, supplements, homeopathics and testing options that we provide at Conscious Body.  But it's important for you to understand why it's better that they don't. 

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Karen Clickner
The C Word

The reason I feel the need to write about breast cancer is because of the common approach that I am seeing in every single diagnosis - an almost blinding rapidity to rush through treatment.  From diagnosis to the surgical suite is becoming a matter of days and at most weeks.  Prior to it is the multiple visit requirement for additional tests, pre-surgical discussions, and many other honestly, terrifying aspects of this dreaded disease.  What is this doing to women and their chances for complete recovery?

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Karen Clickner
Are You Too Tired to Sleep?

I remember my sister telling me that she was too tired to sleep.  I used to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of that statement.  But it turns out she was absolutely right.  The fact is that we think of sleep as a passive, completely restful state.  But in fact it is a very active state that requires energy because of the restoration, healing and processing that occurs during the sleep hours. 

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Karen Clickner
Striving for Emptiness

The idea of emptiness is something we struggle with.  There seems to be an unending supply of peanut butter in the jar, there is always dirt filling in the edges of the house, there is always something on my To Do List, there is always another bill on the desk.  This also extends into our digestive tract and if you think about it, this is an area of our body that is never empty unless we make a very focused concerted effort.  

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Karen Clickner